Introducing TCG's 18th TCO Component - Cost of Sustainability

TCG has updated it's TCO-TMPE® (Total Cost of Ownership for Travel, Meetings, Payment & Expense) methodology to officially include the Cost of Sustainability in an integrated TMPE program.

TCG's 18th TCO Component - Cost of Sustainability

TCG has updated it’s TCO-TMPE® (Total Cost of Owner Travel, Meetings, Payment and Expense) methodology to officially include the Cost of Sustainability in an integrated TMPE program bringing our number of TCO cost metric components to 18. Implementing sustainable business practices into a company sponsored program is not an easy challenge. TCG’s TCO-TMPE® methodology examines all elements of T&E (Travel & Expense) holistically to incorporate it into a broad spend under management strategy and approach that delivers innovation, user collaboration, incremental savings, and alignment with company priorities.