SAP Concur Fusion 2024 Key Takeaways

SAP Concur Fusion 2024 Recap By our experts from FROSCH and TCG  SAP Concur hosted its annual Fusion user conference at the Venetian Resort, March 19-21, 2024. More than 3,000 attendees…

SAP Concur Implementation Tips

6 Tips for Implementing SAP Concur  In partnership with SAP Concur, TCG’s VP Practice Lead, Expense & Invoice, Edward Curtis, shares time saving tips for implementing SAP Concur…

The Automated Advantage

Unlocking Business Benefits through AP Automation  In partnership with SAP Concur, TCG’s Senior Consultant, Grace Swain, shares how, where, and why to start automating AP…

TCG + SAP Concur Discuss Financial Recovery

3 Things To Do Right Now  Having a plan for financial recovery, without sacrificing employee productivity or risk, is paramount for…

Expense & Invoice SAP Concur CIP

Engage with TCG CIP Experts When you engage TCG CIP’s (SAP Concur Certified Implementation Partner), not only will your…